Submission Guidelines

Below are some practical guidelines that may help you to submit your workshop proposals and abstract(s). The general submission guidelines can be found in the CFPs

1. Submitting a workshop call on the Linguist List

Below are some guidelines that may help you to submit your workshop proposal.

Step 1: Announcing your workshop call in the Linguist List.

Go to and select: “Conferences” > “Submit conference info” > step 1: select August 2021 > submit > step 2: select “54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea” > at step 3: Enter information, go to Session information and click on “Add session”. Fill in the required fields, upload your proposal by clicking on “Add session call” and submit. 

Step 2: Submitting your workshop proposal.

Workshop proposals must be submitted as one file in pdf and be sent to the chair of SLE workshops Nikolaos Lavidas () and the Conference Manager () by the 20 November 2020.

2. Submitting your workshop or general session abstract or poster (deadline: 15th January)

Abstracts should be submitted over Easychair. 

Step 1: Go to SLE 2021 Easychair submission page.

a) You already have an EasyChair account from a previous conference, you can use your existing account for this conference. Go to step 2. – Please note that you may experience problems if you try to log in with an address different from the one your account have been created.

b) Creating an EasyChair: you do not have any EasyChair account – in this case, you should register first – just click at the “create an account” link on the login page and fill in the form. The system will send you an e-mail with the instructions how to finish the registration.

NOTE: Some mails servers at universities “filter out” the automatic e-mails send by the EasyChair system. In case you do not receive an e-mail from EasyChair (it may take some time), try to find it in “junk” e-mails. Sometimes this does not help and it is necessary to use another e-mail address.

Step 2: Enter your EasyChair username and password and log in.

Step 3: Click NEW SUBMISSION at the top of the page.

Step 4: By following the instructions fill in the form, upload your abstract, and then submit.
ATTENTION: Abstracts must be anonymous. Please avoid any reference to yourself in the text and make sure that your name does not figure in the file properties. See also SLE FAQ nr. 11.

After having submitted your abstract successfully, you should receive a confirmation e-mail from EasyChair.