54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea

31 August – 3 September 2021

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


The Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens are pleased to announce the “54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2021)”, to be held in Athens, 31 August – 3 September 2021. If the sanitary situation does not allow for a physical meeting, we will offer an online alternative to SLE 2021.

SLE meetings provide a forum for high-quality linguistic research from all (sub)domains of linguistics. The upcoming edition of the SLE meeting will also host a round table of experts to discuss topics of special linguistic interest.

The deadline for all abstracts is 15 January 2021. Notification of acceptance/rejection will be by 31 March 2021.


  • Johannes Kabatek (University of Zurich) Presidential address
  • Dag Haug (University of Oslo)
  • Anne Wolfsgruber and Iker Salaberri (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & Public University of Navarre), winners of the Best Postdoc paper

and Theresa Matzinger (University of Vienna), winner of the Best PhD paper at SLE 2019 (Leipzig).

ROUND TABLE: “The Study of Language Change in the 21st Century: Theories and Tools

Michela Cennamo (University of Naples Federico II)

Jonathan Culpeper (Lancaster University)

Mirjam Fried (Charles University, Prague)



The deadline for all abstracts is 15 January 2021. Notification of acceptance will be given by 31 March 2021.

The list of workshops accepted for SLE 2021 can be found here.

Abstracts are submitted via Easychair. Some guidelines about how to submit your abstract can be found here. To submit your abstract, please click on the link below. Please note that submitters have to be SLE members to submit an abstract. For SLE membership, please click here. Abstracts submitted by non-members will not be considered.

>>> Easychair submission link.

Abstracts should clearly state the research questions, approach, method, data and (expected) results. They should not contain the names of the presenters, nor their affiliations or addresses, or any other information that could reveal their authorship. They should not exceed 500 words (including examples, excluding references). Abstracts should have the same title as the entry submitted via Easychair. Some guidelines about how to write a good abstract can be found under the tab “How to write a good abstract”.

Presentations will last 20 minutes, allowing 5 min. for discussion, 5 min. for speaker and changes.

SUBMITTING MULTIPLE PAPERS. In order to guarantee diversity, one person may be the first author of only one submission of any kind (workshop paper, general session paper, poster, or workshop proposal); nobody is allowed to present or co-present more than two papers at an SLE conference (including workshops). You can co-author more than two papers but you cannot figure among the co-presenters at the conference (i.e. if you co-author more than two papers, you will have to play a background role).

Presentations will last 20 minutes, allowing 5 min. for discussion, 5 min. for speaker and changes.


The SLE 2021 meeting will have one or two poster sessions for both senior and junior researchers. In order to foster interaction, all other sessions will be suspended during the poster session. Posters will be displayed in a gathering area and may remain available during the rest of the conference. The maximum size of the poster is usually 1.20 m (vertical) x 1 m (horizontal). For more information about how to make a good poster, click here.


Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by three referees. Workshop abstracts receive two evaluations by Programme Committee members and one by the workshop convenors. Abstracts submitted to the general session and to the poster session will be evaluated by three members of the Programme Committee. The threshold for acceptance is the same for general session papers, posters and workshop papers.


At SLE conferences there are prizes for the following categories (see SLE 2019 awards):

  • best oral presentation by a PhD student,
  • best oral presentation by a postdoc, and
  • best poster.

Applicants can mark the option for each of the award categories in Easychair upon abstract submission.


PhD students should not have completed their PhD before the conference. Postdocs should have completed their PhD not earlier than three years before the year of the conference (for example 2018 for the SLE 2021 conference). All posters will be eligible for the best poster prize.

A shortlisted paper may be co-authored. Co-authored papers in categories i) and ii) above, should be presented at the conference by the nominee, who will also have to be the first author of the paper.


The first prize in each of the three categories is 500 Euros. The winners of the first prizes in the PhD and Postdoc categories are also awarded a 20+5 mins. plenary talk at SLE 2022 (Bucharest). The 2nd and 3rd prizes will receive a three-year SLE membership.



20 November 2020: workshop proposals submission deadline

15 December 2020: notification of workshop acceptance

15 January 2021: deadline for submission of all abstracts

31 March 2021: notification of paper acceptance

1 April 2021: early bird registration starts

1 May 2021: full fee registration starts

31 May 2021: closing registration date for participants with a paper

31 July 2021: closing registration date for participants without a paper, and for co-authors of papers were at least one author has already registered.

Please note that papers for which none of the authors has registered by 31 May will not be scheduled. The schedule will be published online in June after the registration deadline. The schedule will then be modified only in the event of cancellations.


Registration will open on 1 April 2021. SLE meetings are member-only conferences. That is, all participants will have to be(become) members of the Societas Linguistica Europaea so as to be able to register.


Welcome reception; Guided walking tour of Athens (included in the registration fee); Conference dinner (not included in the registration fee); Excursions (not included in the registration fee): Acropolis & Acropolis Museum, Cape Sounion & the Temple of Poseidon, Argolis [Mycenae, Nafplio and Epidaurus], Delphi, Ancient Corinth [Canal Crossing, Swimming & Lunch], One Day Cruise [Hydra, Poros, Aegina].


How to get to Athens:


University Campus: “Aula” amphitheater of the School of Philosophy and Modern Greek Language Teaching Center 

Information on accommodation and a selection of hotels with special arrangements for SLE 2021 will be published later on the conference website. Transfers will also be arranged from central pickup points in close proximity to the proposed hotels to transport you to the University.



Chair of workshops: Nikolaos Lavidas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Chair of the general session: Frans Hinskens (Meertens Instituut Amsterdam/Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)

Members: Werner Abraham (University of Vienna), Karin Aijmer (University of Gothenburg), Shanley Allen (University of Kaiserslautern), Cormac Anderson (MPI-SHH Leipzig), Reili Argus (Tallinn University), Mira Ariel (Tel Aviv University), Jóhanna Barðdal (Ghent University), Edith L. Bavin (La Trobe University), Dorothee Beermann (NTNU Trondheim), Spyridoula Bella (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Valeria Belloro (Autonomous University of Querétaro), Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge University, University of Stellenbosch), Walter Bisang (University of Mainz), Anna Bondaruk (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin), Kasper Boye (University of Copenhagen), Wayles Browne (Cornell University), Concepción Cabrillana (University of Santiago de Compostela), Anne Carlier (Sorbonne University), Michela Cennamo (University of Naples Federico II), Bernard Comrie (University of California, Santa Barbara), Denis Creissels (University of Lyon), Sonia Cristofaro (University of Pavia), Hubert Cuyckens (KU Leuven), Pierluigi Cuzzolin (University of Bergamo), Andriy Danylenko (Pace University), Jesús de la Villa (Autonomous University of Madrid), Walter De Mulder (University of Antwerp), Nicole Delbecque (KU Leuven), Adina Dragomirescu (Institute of Linguistics Iorgu Iordan - Al. Rosetti, Bucharest), Michael Dunn (Uppsala University), Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kolaczyk (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Martin Ehala (University of Helsinki), Victoria Escandell-Vidal (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Urtzi Etxeberria (CNRS-IKER), Caleb Everett (University of Miami), Thorhallur Eythorsson (University of Iceland), Benjamin Fagard (CNRS), Teresa Fanego (University of Santiago de Compostela), Ad Foolen (Radboud University Nijmegen), Livio Gaeta (University of Turin), María Del Pilar García Mayo (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU), Antonio García-Gómez (University of Alcalá), Michalis Georgiafentis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Klaus Geyer (University of Southern Denmark), Anna Giacalone (University of Pavia), Chiara Gianollo (University of Bologna), Spike Gildea (University of Oregon), Alessandra Giorgi (University of Venice), Francisco Gonzálvez García (University of Almería), Eitan Grossman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Eva Hajičová (Charles University in Prague), Camiel Hamans (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Bjorn Hansen (University of Regensburg), Alexander Haselow (University of Rostock), Martin Haspelmath (MPI-SHH Leipzig), Katharina Haude (CNRS), Dag Haug (University of Oslo), Lars Hellan (NTNU Trondheim), Eugen Hill (University of Cologne), Hans Henrich Hock (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Richard Huyghe (University of Fribourg), Aritz Irurtzun (CNRS-IKER), Andra Kalnača (University of Latvia, Riga), Katalin É. Kiss (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest), Seppo Kittila (University of Helsinki), Ekkehard Koenig (FU Berlin), Bernd Kortmann (University of Freiburg), Gitte Kristiansen (Complutense University of Madrid), Lívia Körtvélyessy (P. J. Šafárik University in Košice), Martin Kümmel (Friedrich Schiller University Jena), Meri Larjavaara (Åbo Akademi, Helsinki), Pierre Larrivée (University of Caen), Nikolaos Lavidas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Diana Lewis (Aix Marseille University), Suliko Liiv (Tallinn University), Maria-Rosa Lloret (University of Barcelona), Lucía Loureiro-Porto (University of the Balearic Islands), Silvia Luraghi (University of Pavia), María José López-Couso (University of Santiago de Compostela), Martin Maiden (University of Oxford), Francesca Masini (University of Bologna), Dejan Matic (University of Münster), Helle Metslang (University of Tartu), Amina Mettouchi (EPHE and CNRS LLACAN), Susanne Maria Michaelis (Leipzig University), Matti Miestamo (University of Helsinki), George Mikros (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Marianne Mithun (University of California, Santa Barbara), Liljana Mitkovska (FON University), Edith Moravcsik (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Amalia Moser (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Nicola Munaro (Ca' Foscari University of Venice), Pieter Muysken (Radboud University), Belen Méndez Naya (University of Santiago de Compostela), Maria Napoli (University of Eastern Piedmont), Kiki Nikiforidou ((National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Tatiana Nikitina (CNRS), Jan Nuyts (University of Antwerp), Karl Pajusalu (University of Tartu), Marco Passarotti (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart), Theodossia-Soula Pavlidou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Thomas Payne (University of Oregon), Vladimir Plungian (Institute of Linguistics RAS, Moscow), Lola Pons-Rodríguez (University of Seville), Rodrigo Pérez-Lorido (University of Oviedo), Angela Ralli (University of Patras), Eric Reuland (Utrecht University), Nikolaus Ritt (University of Vienna), Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada (University of Alberta), Anna Roussou (University of Patras), Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez (University of La Rioja), Cinzia Russi (The University of Texas at Austin), Andrea Sansò (University of Insubria), Barbara Schlücker (Leipzig University), Stephan Schmid (University of Zurich), Ilja Seržant (Leipzig University), Petra Sleeman (University of Amsterdam), Elena Smirnova (University of Neuchâtel), John Charles Smith (University of Oxford), Augusto Soares Da Silva (Catholic University of Portugal), Andrey N. Sobolev (Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS, St. Petersburg), Andrew Spencer (University of Essex), Olga Spevak (University of Toulouse), Elisabeth Stark (University of Zurich), Sabine Stoll (University of Zurich), Cristina Suarez-Gomez (University of the Balearic Islands), Inesa Šeškauskienė (Vilnius University), Magda Ševčíková (Charles University in Prague), Catherine Travis (Australian National University), Beata Trawinski (IDS Mannheim), Jarmila Tárnyiková (Palacký University in Olomouc), Johan van der Auwera (University of Antwerp), Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (KU Leuven), Arie Verhagen (Leiden University Centre for Linguistics), Anna Verschik (Tallinn University), Jean-Christophe Verstraete (KU Leuven), Letizia Vezzosi (University of Florence), Nigel Vincent (University of Manchester), Jacqueline Visconti (University of Genoa), Ferdinand von Mengden (FU Berlin), Søren Wichmann (Leiden University), Björn Wiemer (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz), Jacek Witkoś (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Alena Witzlack-Makarevich (University of Kiel), Magdalena Wrembel (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Il-Il Yatziv-Malibert, INALCO, Paris.


Chair of the local organising committee: Nikolaos Lavidas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens),

SLE Conference Manager: Olga Spevak (University of Toulouse),

SLE Treasurer: Lachlan Mackenzie (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam),

SLE Secretary: Bert Cornillie (KU Leuven),